current favs

My Current Favorites!

current favorites

Lately, I have been realizing I have a lot of new favorites! I thought it would be fun to share these with you! My favorites range from beauty products to kid’s toys and everything in between! So keep reading if you want to learn about my current favorites!

This post contains Amazon affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from, at no cost to you. I only recommend products I use myself and all opinions are our own. Thank you for your support!

Current Favorites!

Beauty Products

Olive and June press on nails-

I have never used press-on nails and was pleasantly surprised with these! They were super easy to apply and lasted me a long time! I did have my thumbnails pop off once each but I wasnโ€™t surprised. This happened when trying to put a sofa cover back on and trying to break the ice in my ice maker hahaha! When they did come off I just simply glued them back on and they were good as new.
I wasnโ€™t a fan of the nail shape, but I did let Moose pick it so I guess it was my fault hahaha! But it was no problem, I just filed them down and shaped them how I liked within a matter of minutes! I picked up another color to try and Iโ€™m excited to see how they look!

Face Products

Love and Pebble Beauty Pops Face Mask Kit-

This was a gift from one of my best friends! It was a fun face mask and I love the concept. It was like doing a fun science experiment that made your face feel soft and smooth afterward! The kit can make up to 8 facial masks, which I think is great! I know I will be enjoying these this summer when it is super hot outside!

Milani Lipstick kit- (Shoop with TLC)

With my skin tone, I find it difficult to get a good natural-looking lip color! I am always on the search but I think I have finally found a winner! This color from Milani is perfect and I have been wearing it a lot! I can wear it with a casual outfit or for a date night with Melvin!

It has become one of my go-to items when applying simple makeup! I apply some eyebrow pencil, mascara, and this lip kit! Definitely recommend this product if you have a complexion similar to mine! (Update: I found mine at our store on base and apparently its not available in many other places, however, Milani products are geared towards being diverse in their products. I have found many of their products to be great for my skin tone!)

Current Favorites- Kitchen Products

Air fryer-

I am so mad I didnโ€™t discover this sooner! My husband has been using our air fryer on and off for about 2 years. Usually to make chicken wings. He had it out the other day and I became curious. So we left it on our counter so I could explore with it. Let me tell you, this has been used so much this week! For pretty much every lunch I have made, from chicken nuggets and pizza rolls to bacon and broccoli! It makes things so much easier and faster! I think this kitchen gadget will be staying out on our counter for a while now!

Refillable Pouches-

We have had these for about a year and use them A LOT! I love that I am being slightly more sustainable with them and not throwing away a million pouches! I just buy big sizes of yogurt and apple sauce and refill the pouches about 2 times a week. These pouches are dishwasher safe and freezer safe! In the summer I freeze water in them. When we go out for walks or bike rides I place it behind Moose in his seat to keep him cool. Then once it melts he can drink the water! Love this product and it has more than paid for itself!


Malibu Rising-

This book had me hooked from the first page! I borrowed this from the library but enjoyed it so much I may pick up a copy for myself to keep! Check out my blog review on this book here!



Moose got this bike for his birthday so he has been using it for about 2 months now. But it is easily one of our favorite toys for him! He doesnโ€™t like to be in a stroller anymore so when we go for walks he loves his bike! He picked it up really quickly and is started to learn the balance and gliding part of it! Moose is really fast and it makes us all laugh and smile! I am glad my husband found this bike for him!


My dad has always loved building Legos with his grandchildren! Moose is no exception! Now he loves building not only with his big Legos but also with his wooden blocks. I enjoy watching him build little towers and seeing him focus on the task. He is developing patience and understanding it’s ok if it falls down. Of course, heโ€™s a toddler so he still gets upset sometimes, but more times than not he just says โ€œuh oh, almostโ€ and rebuilds it or tries something different!

Bubble Machine-

Every kid I have ever met LOVES bubbles. And every parent seems to despise the act of blowing bubbles for more than 5 minutes! Well, this bubble machine will answer all of your problems! Moose received this for his first birthday and honestly, we didnโ€™t use it much until recently! It is a hit! You just pour in the bubble solution and turn it on and wallah! Bubbles! I refill it about 3 times before he gets bored with bubbles and that is about 45 mins worth of bubbles, thank me later for saving you on blowing bubbles yourself =]

For some other fun kidsย  toys check out this blog post!

So these are my current favorites! I hope that you find something on this list that is of interest to you, something you didnโ€™t know you needed until now hahaha! Share with me some of your current favorites in the comments below!


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