Egg muffins
Cooking with Moose,  Parenthood

Cooking with Moose: Episode 5, Healthy Egg Muffins

healthy muffins for toddlers

Healthy muffins for toddlers

This week’s fun cooking project with Moose was healthy breakfast egg muffins! Melvin and I are trying to eat healthier, wanting to be a better example for Moose when it comes to healthy food! With that being said, I decided to make one of our favorite make-ahead breakfasts, healthy egg muffins for toddlers (and adults)! Moose doesn’t like these as leftovers, but it is a good snack for him the day we made them. I gathered all of the ingredients and got Moose ready to help!

What you will need:

– eggs
-your choice of veggies
-your choice of meat(s)
-cooking spray
-muffin pan
-something to mix the eggs in
-Your little helper

Starting at  $0.99

What we used:

-peppers and mushrooms
-ground turkey
-coconut oil
-muffin pan
-big measuring cup to mix eggs
-my little helper

Preping our healthy muffins for toddlers!

I started by setting the oven to preheat at 400 degrees and oiling my pan. We had run out of cooking spray, so this turned out to be a disaster! I cut up the veggies ahead of time and cooked the ground turkey with a dash of salt.
Moose helped crack the eggs and he enjoyed banging them on the counter. Surprisingly, we only had one egg casualty and the rest made it into the mixing cup with minimal shell (which I removed). We then scrambled the eggs in the mixing cup. Moose helped me pour the eggs into the muffin pan. Next, he helped add the ground turkey to each muffin while eating some in-between filling.

Finally, he helped add the veggies to each muffin. We left a few without veggies as well. Moose tried the mushrooms and peppers raw, and you can imagine how that went! Our last step was to sprinkle some cheese on top!

Cooking our healthy muffins for toddlers!

By this time the oven was preheated and ready, so we put the muffins in the oven for 25 minutes. This time will vary depending on your oven. I had set our timer for 15 minutes but they ended up needing additional time. When they were done, Moose and Melvin enjoyed one but I saved mine to eat throughout the week.

This was super fun to make with Moose and he was very hands-on every step of the way with this cooking project! Our “healthy muffins for toddlers” did end up stuck to the pan quite a bit which has proven to be very annoying, our pan may or may not still be soaking… Do you have any tips on preventing this from happening? Do you enjoy making make-ahead egg muffins for the week? What ingredients do you use?

If you enjoyed this recipe be sure to check out the rest of the Cooking With Moose Series by clicking the links below:

Gluten-Free Pizza
Pancake Muffins
Mini Fruit Tarts


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