2nd Quarter Favorites

2nd quarter favorites wrap up
WOW. How are we already half way through the year? It is wild to me how fast the years seem to go the older I get. I can remember thinking time took so long when I was younger and still in school. Although I never was one of those kids who wished I was older, I enjoyed being my age and still do! I’m going to share some of my 2nd quarter favorites so be sure to keep reading!
This year has been pretty good I’d have to say! Watching Coyote and Moose meet milestones is so much fun. I can’t believe Coyote is crawling, has teeth and showing her personality! Moose continues to make us laugh daily and is finally learning how to handle his little sister. Watching them play together now that Coyote is on the move melts my heart on the daily!
Speaking of milestones, I am shocked at how fast I have met my reading goal, I have already read 32 books, my goal for the year was 30. I’m not planning to adjust my goal but I do think my reading will probably slow down a bit. I was able to get through so many books because I listened to a lot on audible, Libby, and had a few Netgalley arc’s.
I don’t feel like I have too many 2nd quarter favorites, but here are a few I’m going to share.
This post contains Amazon affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from, at no cost to you. I only recommend products I use myself and all opinions are our own. Thank you for your support!

2nd Quarter Favorites
Fourth Wing… This book has had A LOT of hype and I didn’t want to give into it but I did. I am so glad I did because although I am not a big fantasy reader this book was AMAZING! I loved it! GO read it if you haven’t already! If you have, did you love it too?
Rock, Paper, Scissors… This is a book I chose to branch out of my usual romance. It is a mystery/thriller and has so many twists and turns. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to it! I don’t like scary movies or books but this one wasn’t it was more of a suspense!
Travel Items
Car Seat Travel Cart… We used this on our recent travels for Moose and his car seat. The cart was able to carry the car seat with Moose as well, making it like a stroller. This made going through the airport easier because he was contained and comfortable.
Car Seat Cover… We also had Coyotes car seat and stroller; however, she was a lap child so I wanted to have a cover to protect her seat when place under the plane. We purchased this one and it worked out great.
More Favorites
Baby Bullet… I have had this since Moose was born, I used it to make him purees when he started eating. I took it back out when it was time to start Coyote on solids, however she HATED purees and we moved on to table food pretty quickly. BUT the baby bullet has came in handy. Moose loves smoothies and so making him small personal smoothies using the bullet has become a common thing in our house lately. I use the small baby food containers to save a bit of smoothie for Coyote to enjoy as well, its hit and miss with if she likes them but its worth the try.
Kindle… Melvin got me a kindle for mother’s day last year. I’m ashamed to say I didn’t use it much until recently. I have been trying to make an effort to use it more instead of buying books. And I also have read a couple of arcs this way. I invested in a clear cover and some book stickers to decorate it. This is fun for me and I change out the stickers every week or so.
Water Bottle… I’ve purchased the Ello Water Jug twice now because I love it so much. Originally I had the blue one, but I dropped it just right, while full and it broke. I immediately ordered another one, in pink, because I love how much water it holds. The only downfall for this water bottle is that it doesn’t keep the water cold, but you can purchase this one from the same company and it will keep the water cold. For me it isn’t a big deal I just drink a lot of water and want a big jug.

I have also been enjoying trying new and different drinks at Starbucks, trying new local coffee and food places, and making more time for dates with hubby! Recently we have been spending Saturday morning exploring new places here in San Antonio. Moose likes to call them “family dates”. If you are interested in my 1st quarter favorites you can check them out here!
Do you have any favorites you would like to share? Please tell me in the comments below!

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