
1st Quarter Favorites

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First Quarter Favorites

Can you believe it is already May! We are more than one forth of the way through the year, the first quarter of the year is over! Coyote is 7 months, Moose has been in school for 4 months and we have done so much this year already! Iโ€™m looking forward to planning some things for this summer and the rest of the year to come but for now here are some of my 1st quarter favorites!

1st Quarterย  Book Favorites

Of course I am going to start by sharing my Book 1st quarter favorites! I read so many 5 stars but these are my top 3!

Things We Never Got Over-

I honestly havenโ€™t stopped thinking about this book since I finished it. It took me forever to start it because I was intimidated by how thick it was. But once I started I couldnโ€™t put it down. I ended up buying the audible too because I just wanted to keep listening! It was so good.
From start to finish, all the twists and turns, it was pretty different from anything else I had read. Naomi and Knox have the craziest meet cute, a misunderstanding of Knox thinking Naomi was her no good twin sister. Knox isnโ€™t your typical grump. He is grumpy on the outside but really just wants to help everyone and is a kind and caring man. Naomi strives to be perfect because her sister is not. She didnโ€™t want her parents worrying about her when she was younger and has taken that same mentality into adulthood. The chemistry between these two is undeniable and they both acknowledge that. Soon another misunderstanding leads to them pretending to be in a relationship.
There are so many twists and turns in this book from the niece to the kidnapping. But this book is everything you need, it will have you happy, laughing, crying, mad and every emotion in between! I cant wait to read the next book, Things We Hide From the Light.

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books and quote

One of Us is Dead-

Going into this book I knew nothing at all! This lead to a pleasant surprise because I was instantly hooked! I enjoyed all the different POVโ€™s, thoughts, and the individual side stories of each character. And although you are wondering who is dead throughout the book it isnโ€™t a thriller or scary. This book takes place in Buckhead, a suburb of Atlanta, having lived in the Atlanta area I am very familiar with the setting and I always love this when reading because I get such good visuals! I look forward to reading more books by this author. I recently thrifted The Perfect Marriage and plan to read it this summer!

It Starts With Us-

I needed this book. I read It Ends With Us around this time last year and loved it! It was my first Colleen Hoover book and I understood the hype. When I finished It Ends With Us I immediately was wishing for a sequel, so when I heard she had one in the works I was very happy. I fell in love with Lilly and Atlas and was so excited to read their love story unfold and continue. The addition of Atlasโ€™s brother and the continued doom of Ryle had me flying through this book wanting more and more. The development of Lillys character and strength she continued to grow was amazing and I was so proud of who she became, like she was a real life friend. Some people felt this book was unnecessary, but I loved it!


This category is a few random 1st quarter favorites.

Once Upon a Book Club

This is a fun book subscription box. With it you get a new book and gifts to open along the way as you read. As you read the book you will find sticky notes telling you to open a gift on certain pages. Who doesnโ€™t love getting gifts? This is such a fun way to read a book, and they have boxes available for many different genres, from adult to young adult, from middle school to specialty boxes (such as mothers day). If you use my link here and code SHANAY you will save 10% on your order!

Mama Bars-

I have talked about these multiple times. Yes I am an affiliate, but I also buy these bars! They are so good and the perfect snack for on the good or middle of the night hunger. They recently came out with a new flavor, lemon coconut. I donโ€™t like lemon or coconut typically but mama bar sent me a box to try! YALL! This is my favorite flavor! Maybe my taste buds are changing, I donโ€™t know but you need to try this new lemon coconut bar. If you use my link here and code Shanay15 you will save!

Air Fryer-

I believe I mentioned this one in the past. I love my air fryer and use it almost daily! Iโ€™m not kidding! We use our air fryer to make everything from French toast sticks to fries to fish and more! I had to stop using it while pregnant because the smell made me sick. But it was back in full use, until it died recently, we will be purchasing a new one ASAP! This was easily our most used kitchen appliance and I think everyone should have one!

Toy Favorites

Here I have divided toys into toddler and baby 1st quarter favorites! Even though it seems that they both play with each others toys!

Toddler Toys

Paw Patrol truck

I got this from a friend who was getting rid of it, on the off chance Moose would like it. And itโ€™s the best $2 I have spent lately because Moose plays with this toy every day! His favorite characters are Rocky and Marshall so this was a big win.

T-ball set-

My dad got this for Moose on their last visit. Baseball seems to be the sport he has taken a really interest in and he has asked to play with this daily. When Moose came home from the hospital after being sick, the first thing he asked Grampy was if they could play baseball.

Fidget Toys

Moose is a very active toddler. While he was in hospital the nurses gave him some toys. A few of the toys were fidgets and he LOVES them. His favorite being a light up pop tube. He has been playing with his one daily since he got it.

Baby 1st Quarter Favorites

Baby toys-


We have had this playmat since Moose was born. He got a lot of use out of it and now Coyote is as well. She is now in the sit up mode of this play mat and loves it. She especially loves the over hanging toys that crinkle. I love this playmat because it grows with the baby. Coyote could lay on it as a young infant and now she can sit and play on it at 6 months, once she starts walking you can remove the piano all together and just use that part.

Car seat toys-

Again these are toys we had for Moose as a baby. Coyote loves anything with a teether attached or crinkle sound, so the Infantino fox and elephant have been her favorites while in the car seat and keep her entertained for a while.

Mushie Stacking cups-

These are a new favorite. And these get played with by Moose and Coyote. Moose likes to stack them and hide things under them, use them in his play kitchen and more. Coyotes currently just loves banging them together and on things. She will also roll the cups and then scoot to them!

What were some of your first quarter favorites? Share them below. And don’t forget Mother’s Day is coming up! Click here for some gift ideas!

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