evening routine
Lifestyle,  Parenthood

Mommy Evening Routine

Tidying up

Everyone has different routines that works for them. Here’s my evening routine, so keep reading because there may be something that you can include in your routine that may make your life a little easier.

My mommy evening routine usually starts between 6:30 and 7:00 pm. By this time, we have played, eaten dinner, relaxed, and Melvin is putting Moose down for the night! My routine usually starts with a few chores if they haven’t already been done. Ideally, these are completed before Moose goes to bed, but sometimes that doesn’t happen. These chores consist of cleaning up the kitchen and tidying the living room/playroom. I try to have Moose help me clean up his toys before his bath, but sometime this doesn’t happen. I try to clean up the kitchen while I’m cooking dinner so I’ll have less to do later, but this doesn’t always happen either!

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Once I have completed these chores, I will take a shower or bath depending on my mood! I prefer baths, but sometimes I just need more time to accomplish other things so showers are better suited when those times arrive. Either way, I always maintain a good skin care routine. My mum always preached wearing lotion for as long as I can remember! Every morning and night, I apply lotion to my entire body. I credit this habit to not getting stretch marks while pregnant! I have been using the same face care products for the last year. But I’m not sure they are working for me anymore, due to my face breaking out more. However, I can’t say for sure why the breakouts are happening and still think it is a good product! Check it out here!

My friend actually just sent me a sample package of some more natural and organic products to try and the timing couldn’t have been better. (If you want to try out these products and support my friend, you can click here) I say all of this to say that each night I always use lotion and some kind of face products.

Work- getting it done

After my self-care, I set aside at least an hour to work on my blog. This usually turns into longer, but I am REALLY trying to be more productive in that one hour so I can get to bed at a reasonable time! Because I am a busy mom I try to think ahead, so each night I will set the dishwasher and laundry (using the delay end setting) to run so they are ready to be emptied and put into the drier the next morning. I probably do this every other day, because we don’t use that many dishes or have that much laundry. I also take this time to set our coffee maker to brew coffee in the morning so we have fresh coffee when we are ready to roll out of bed. If we are going somewhere the next morning, I will be sure to get some snacks or lunch together for Moose as well!

Time to Relax

Next, I head to my yoga mat and do 10-20 minutes of yoga and/or a meditation session before cozying up in bed. Currently, Melvin is in school, so he is studying whenever he can. He is usually studying when I’m ready to get in bed. I grab a book to read until I feel ready to fall asleep. Often this part of my night time routine will also include a cup of calming tea. On the rare occasion Melvin and I will cuddle on the couch and watch a TV show or a movie, but for the most part this is how my night plays out! If you haven’t checked out my mommy morning routine, be sure to click on over there, here. Comment below and share your favorite part of your night time routine!

This post contains affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from, at no cost to you. I only recommend products I use myself and all opinions are our own. Thank you for your support!


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