toddler summer

5 Easy Ways to Keep a Toddler Entertained in the Summer

ways to entertain a toddler

Are you looking for some great toddler activities to finish out your summer days? Look no further, here is a list of a few options you might not have considered! Most of these we do year-round, but in the summer we tend to get out of the house more. Sometimes to play in the heat and sometimes to avoid the heat! Here are my top 5 easy ways to keep a toddler entertained in the summer.

Top 5 Ways to Keep a Toddler Entertained

Splashpads or Parks-

Since moving to Texas we have discovered that Splashpads are very common and thank goodness. This pregnant momma has been known to run through the water too๐Ÿคฃ . Moose has enjoyed going to our local one many times already! The one we like also has a huge park and pavilions for shade. It is ideal for a morning out of the house with a snack or picnic! Remember to stay hydrated and wear sunscreen, the sun is no joke!

Library story time-

This one is probably our favorite because it requires no planning on my part, which is why it made it on my list of 5 easy ways to keep a toddler entertained in the summer. We have a library on base but there are also multiple other story times and libraries around town.
Our specific library offers 3 story times a week but check your local library for more information. We have enjoyed the library at all the bases weโ€™ve been stationed at and this is by far the best. Half the library is dedicated to children (of all ages) with interactive activities and books, this is honestly why we havenโ€™t explored others in our area yet!

But if you find that you donโ€™t like your local library, also check with local bookstores and libraries in neighboring areas. You may not be able to check out books in other areas, but I highly doubt they will turn you away from a story time!

Backyard pool and or sprinkler-

We pulled out our old baby pool at the beginning of summer just for some fun in the backyard however it had a hole in it, so we had to keep blowing it up! We decided that we would get Moose a new, better one, and remembered he still had gift cards from Christmasโ€ฆ So, it was Christmas in May for little guy! His new pool has a little slide, basketball hoop and bowling lane. It is the perfect size and was only $50!
Check out some similar options here!

We ended up putting the pool away as our area currently has some strict water restrictionsโ€ฆ However, we are allowed to water our grass once a week. Naturally Moose has still wanted to play in water, so we just let him run through the sprinkler in the evening, water the grass and water play at the same time, perfect!
Another great option for water play would be a water table! We looked at them but decided on the pool instead, however now that we are in a drought the water table may have been a better choice ๐Ÿคฃ.
And we hope to bring out theย  pool again before the weather cools down!

This post contains Amazon affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from, at no cost to you. I only recommend products I use myself and all opinions are our own. Thank you for your support!

Grocery/ Store trips-

Now this one isnโ€™t exactly fun, but I try to make it fun! We must go so why not make the most of it and its usually easy which is why I added it to my 5 easy ways to keep a toddler entertained in the summer! We will point out objects in the store and talk about them! I talk to him the whole time about what we are getting and what we will do with it. Usually we go around snack time so I will let him pick a snack to enjoy as we ride around (and pay for it at check out), this helps keep him calm.
If we are only getting a few things, I will get a hand held basket and let him hold it with me and put items inside. He loves helping, not only do I try to make it fun, it is also helping his language and social skills when we go to the stores!

Easy Educational Activities-

I feel like this tip really screams “I used to teach”๐Ÿคฃ. This summer Moose has really shown an interest in learning. His attention span is short with these activities but we have practiced them so much throughout the summer that he can now do most of them by himself.


The dollar store, target dollar spot and amazon all have a lot of options. We have sets of the alphabet, animals, different or same, and shapes & colors. These have all helped him in different ways. Most I have had since I was teaching but they are still available, especially this time of year.

Animal Magnets-

Moose was gifted these for his 1st birthday but at that time he enjoyed putting them in his mouth more than anything else. Now we use the magnets to match to the animal flash cards. You could also use animal figurines in the same way. I give him this activity when I am cooking a dinner that takes a while and he canโ€™t help. He does it at the kitchen table, that way we can still talk and discuss different things. And obviously you can just use the animal magnets on the fridge or another magnetic surface.

Quiet Books-

I had seen these a lot but thought they were expensive. I caught them on sale recently and I now think they are worth the price. Moose enjoys matching the different objects and we also talk about what they are. For example, the food book has some fruits and vegetables he hasnโ€™t seen before. This opened up the chance to discuss different food items. We also discuss the colors and shapes.

Learning Activity Books-

These are the type of books that offer tracing, matching, cutting, coloring and other exercises! We have one that is dry erase and can be used multiple times, and another that is from the dollar spot. Moose gets excited when we take these out and they have helped him a lot with being able to make shapes like circles on his own!

I really hope that you found these 5 easy ways to keep a toddler entertained in the summer post helpful and that it has given you some ideas! If you liked this post be sure to click here to check out some other fun activities to do with toddlers! What are some of your favorite ways to keep your toddlers entertained? Share them below!


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