cloth diapers

Cloth Diapering Pros & Cons

pros and cons cloth diapering

Are you thinking about cloth diapering? No matter how you choose to diaper know that you are doing what is best for you and your family! With my son and with my future baby we will be doing a combination of cloth diapers and regular disposable diapers. Below you will find my pros and cons to cloth diapering and why we ultimately loved it!

Cloth Diapering Pros

/1/Long-term cost- save money!

If you buy brand new cloth diapers it can cost a pretty penny! Each diaper costs anywhere from $5- $20+. But it is perfectly safe to buy second-hand. I got most of my stash of over 20 diapers for $40 and second-hand. Then I got a few other new ones for $5- $10 spending a total of maybe $60. We did use disposable diapers for the first couple of months but we put them on our registry and didnโ€™t have to pay for many!
Overall I would say our total diaper cost for the first 2 years was under $300 including the cloth stash and disposables we did purchase for nighttime.

cloth diaper
cloth diaper pros and cons

/2/ Environmental

Disposable Diapers are bad for the Environment. They take up to 500 years to decompose in landfills! We did use disposable diapers for the first 2 months and nights because they were easier. And now I do use pullups on Moose at night. However, for 2 years we did not use disposable diapers throughout the day. This makes me feel good, knowing I didnโ€™t put all those diapers into a landfill!

/3/ Better for baby

Moose didnโ€™t have any diaper rashes once we switched to cloth diapers! Once you find the correct wash routine for your diapers hopefully your kiddo wonโ€™t have any issues with diaper rashes either!

/4/ Never run out

You will always have diapers on hand! Obviously, you have to wash them, but if youโ€™re getting low you donโ€™t have to worry about rushing out to buy more! This was especially a benefit for us at the beginning of the pandemic when no one wanted to go out and be exposed.

Starting at  $0.99

More Cloth Diapering Pros & Cons!

Cloth Diapering Cons

/1/ Upfront cost

As I mentioned already, if you want to buy diapers brand new, you will pay a good amount probably around $200! I found that I didnโ€™t need a lot of cloth diapers like most articles suggested! I washed every other day so I was good with about 16 diapers. I have about 30 but will be getting rid of some.

/2/ Not as convenient

This was not an issue for me. But cloth diapering is definitely not as convenient as disposables. With having to spray them clean before washing, wash the diapers, and stuff them for the next use, there are a lot of steps. But like I said to me it is worth it and the pros for our family outweigh the cons!

cloth diapers

Do you have any pros or cons to add to the list of cloth diapering? Tell me in the comments below! Check out my other cloth diapering post here. And be sure to head over to my friends blog Teachgogreen, here. for A LOT more info on cloth diapering!ย 


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