
Family is important

I was undecided if I wanted to come back to Oxford or if I wanted to continue traveling. My Uncle was having surgery and I was tired, wanting a short break from the traveling, so I decided to head home. When I made it home Tuesday evening I spent an hour in Starbucks working on this here blog =] before Helen (mums best friend) came to meet me. She had never had bubble tea and was sick of hearing me talk about it, so we went to try it. Then we headed home for a relaxing evening.

Visit with the Grandparents

The next day I slept in, it had gotten cold here in Oxford again. After working on my blog some more I decided to go visit my Uncle. I told my Aunt all about my travels (Uncle was sleeping) and then my cousin showed up for a bit. He was going to have dinner with my grandparents so we decided I would surprise them and come along. ( I love how my cousin takes time to see my nanny and grampy every other week) They didn’t know I was back yet and were very excited to see me. We went to eat at one of my favorite pubs and I had fish and chips. After spending a very nice evening with my cousin, nanny, and grampy, we headed back to the other side of Oxford.


On Wednesday I spent the afternoon in Oxford. I looked around some shops before meeting up with Helen’s oldest daughter, my friend Lanisha, for bubble tea. This was also her first time and she didn’t hate it! After bubble tea I headed back to the shops to make some decisions on a few tops and dresses I had seen. I am so indecisive when shopping but, decided to buy almost everything I tried on!


I chilled out on Thursday walking into Headington for coffee and a cake, just people watching. I went to a different cafe, Coco Noir, and really enjoyed it. For some reason, I ordered a latte and I don’t know why because I hate them, and this one was no different. I am not saying the cafe was bad because the cake was delicious, it was my fault for getting something I don’t usually like.

Friday, I spent the day with Lanisha. We went to Ikea. To some, this may sound weird, but Ikea is one of my favorite places ever! I enjoy looking for new furniture and picking up knick-knacks, and their cafe has amazing food. Although I wasn’t buying anything I had fun looking at stuff and helping Nisha make decisions. We enjoyed a late lunch of Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes and continued winding our way through Ikea. After Ikea we did a quick stop at Sainsburys before she dropped me off back home. It was a chilled, relaxing day!
I spent the weekend with Helen and her/ my family, I’ve known them my whole life. I walked into Headington to Starbucks, obviously my favorite place to work on my blog… they have free wifi… when I got back Helen laughed, asking if I got her message, which had not.

She and Nisha were going to walk into Headington to meet me and get a few things. Me, not one to turn down exercise went back with them and enjoyed yet another Starbucks… The barista laughed at me saying “back for more coffee?” I guess I have become known in this Starbucks. After our walk, we met up with Courtney (Helen’s youngest daughter) and her boys to play laser tag. We had a blast even though my team lost. We went for dinner at a really nice pub that is next to the river. You can watch the ducks and boats go by. I ordered a burger and it was surprisingly good!

Carnival in Oxford

Sunday there was a carnival close by, so I walked the two miles to meet Nisha and her friend there. It was a great experience and enjoyed a few drinks, I do love a good Shandy! For those of you wondering, Shandy is Larger and lemonade mixed together aka Heaven! We walked around bumping into more of their friends, enjoying the loud music. Although I didn’t go anywhere this weekend I enjoyed the time with family and friends. I also spent the weekend deciding where to go next… Click here to find out where I went!

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