Lifestyle,  Travel

Bitter Sweet Reflection

Today as I sit in what has become my local, Starbucks, I am trying to work on my other blog posts and finding it hard. Why? I just can’t stop thinking about the past six weeks. So I have decided, even if only for my own pleasure, that I am going to write a “reflection” post.
In October 2016 I decided I was going to travel. I was coming home. Back to Europe. And six weeks ago I did just that. I arrived at Heathrow where my family picked me up and I began my journey. I spent the first week getting in the groove of things and enjoying my home town of Oxford, England. Soon I was jet setting all over Europe, enjoying Spain, Italy, Germany, and Ireland. This was the best vacation ever!

Now I just want to say some thank you’s. Thank you mum and dad, the best parents a girl could ask for, for teaching me the importance of travel, culture and diversity. Thank you for giving me the life style that allowed me to experience all of these things growing up. And for sharing part of these six weeks with me.

Thank you Helen for allowing me to come and go for the past six weeks. For making me feel at home, driving me places and giving me LOTS of good laughs!
Thank you Lanisha and Courtney for sharing your mum with me! Lanisha, for spending your days off with me and making sure I saw everything I wanted to in London and meeting me for random lunch dates! And all of you for our many Love Island discussions!!!

My big brother, Taurean, for making the first part of my European travels possible. Showing me Rota as an adult and cramming in as much as possible in 3 days with very little sleep. Also, Joseph for letting us crash at your place and spending time with us!
My family, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents for taking me places, showing me fun times and honestly too much for me to even write without breaking out in tears, right here in the middle of Starbucks.

And last but not least my very best friend, Melanie. Thank you for pretty much planning our whole Italy trip because you are the best. We made so many new memories and had lots of fun along the way. I wouldn’t have done even a quarter of the things we did if it wasn’t for you! For sharing and taking pictures for me since my phone wanted to die every 2 seconds! And also, for giving me a new best friend =]
I am about to embark on a new and very exciting adventure that I can’t wait to share with all that will read. And for this to take place I want to go ahead and say a few more thank you’s!

Thank you Cailie and family for letting me take over your living room both before and (yet to come) after my six weeks in Europe. For helping me move! You have been nothing less than supportive of my decision to travel!

Last workout before I left

My coworkers who encouraged me from day one on my decision! Pushing me to follow my dreams and even to write this blog.

So after all these thank you’s I have somehow managed to not bust into tears, I am enjoying my last green tea latte here, staring at the Headington Shark head and taking in all things British outside the window.
I promise many more adventures to come, so stay tuned for the craziness that is about to happen. Also, Still have a few posts from the past weeks to upload.
~Ready for new adventures, not ready to leave home~
Bitter Sweet


  • Helen

    Just dropped you off at the bus to Heathrow. Miss you already๐Ÿ˜ข
    Safe trip and hope your new adventure is super exiting.
    Love love love you xxxx
    Come back soon x

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