
New year, New me??? New Years Goals

New Years

Many people start of the new year with the perception of “new year, new me”, making New Years resolutions. And that has been me in the past.
In 2017 I grew, I changed, I moved, I met new people and I started a new job. However, I like the me I am, the me I have become. So this year I am just going to make some goals. My first goal, like many is to start my healthy kick! I am usually a healthy eater and enjoy going to the gym. But after moving to Alaska… I admit I fell off the healthy life style a bit. With the days beingΒ  very short here in the winter (I mean 4 hours of daylight!!), the last thing I want to do when I leave work is hit the gym. Its dark and cold and I just want to go home and cuddle up on the couch with a nice warm cup of tea. But excuses have got to go!

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When to start?

Some people have a preference to when they want to start “the healthy life style”… “I’ll start Monday”, “I’ll start on January 1st” and so on. What ever your preference may be it is never a bad time to start being healthy. When I’ve fallen of the wagon before I usually just start right back up the day I notice or start to think about it. But this time Melvin and I decided after his birthday (which happens to be Jan. 2nd) we would start our healthy eating.

And I am proud to say we did! We took to the slopes for some snowboarding and then went to the store, stuck to our budget and for the most part only got healthy food!

For Breakfast I had a big bowl of oatmeal and fruit, all with in the correct serving size for me. Then for lunch I enjoyed a tuna sandwich and small salad.

Melvin and I had a gender reveal party to go to later in the day so I just had a few snacks, fruit, yogurt covered raisins and apple sauce. We did enjoy a plate of panda express at the party. I am not one to deny myself yummy food so I just told myself not to over indulge! I have learned in the past to enjoy the not so healthy food in moderation. I didn’t make it to the gym but, I was proud I stuck to the healthy eating for day one. Now for today… So far so good, we had oatmeal, fruit and eggs for breakfast. And now I’m sitting here writing this post and trying to find the motivation to go to the gym!


But back to the goals I have for this year:
1. Healthy lifestyle!
2. Travel! Visit different towns in Alaska (Fairbanks), Seattle, Las Vegas and more!
3. Read more!
4. Stress less!
I suppose there isn’t much of a difference between a goal and a resolution as they are both aiming to do or change something. I just prefer the word goal. I can set short-term goals and then proceed to grow into the long-term goal.
So this is how I am kicking off 2018 (as I still sit in bed…) I hope you all will have a fantastic New year! About to reread my cousins blog to try to find the motivation to go to the gym. Check out her first post, it made me giggle quite a bit:

*** Please excuse the bad picture quality in this post***

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