My Family has arrived, Oxford, England
Oxford, England
I went down into Oxford to familiarize myself with the city again. Once I was down there it all came back to me. I walked through the covered market to my favorite restaurant, Browns, to find that it was closed! I love their bacon baps so I was very upset. Although it was a gloomy day I was excited to just be back in my city!
So, I went on search for a bacon bap somewhere else. I settled for one in the café of Marks and Spencer’s, a department store. Then went on to do a bit of shopping. I went to all my favorite stores, H & M, Primark, Lush, and Top Shop. I didn’t get much but did pick up a few things, bath bombs from Lush and a Hoodie from Primark. The weather was a little more chilly than I expected. I headed back to find my bus stop, walking back through the covered market to get some post cards. I noticed that Browns had a huge crowd around it and realized they were actually filming a show or movie in there. No wonder it was closed earlier.
I always love walking through the covered market, my mum worked there when she was a teenager and I feel that all my family has some connection to this place. I found my bus stop and was very proud of myself!
I’d been wanting to get a gym membership while I was here. Yes, I love working out that much! I found one that I really liked but unfortunately, it didn’t work out. There was another one that had a free day trial so, I tried that one. It wasn’t the greatest but I received a free gym workout and wasn’t going to complain! Since I wasn’t too impressed I am just going to have to stick with cardio while I am traveling. I went back into town that afternoon to meet with my friend for drinks and dinner. We went to a Thai restaurant and it was scrumptious! We both had pad Thai. My friend got the Good time girl to drink and I had the Phi Phi Bellini.

Family Arrive
My parents, brother and niece arrived a week after me. Friday we went to meet with my grandparents in a town where we all used to live. We had a traditional pub lunch of fish and chips while the women sipped on wine and men on beer… and my niece enjoyed an ice-cold coke. We had to remind her that here in England and most of Europe you don’t get free refills. It was nice for all of us to be together. It has been about 10 plus years since we have all been here.

That evening we went to see my Uncle, Aunt and cousins. It was my baby cousins birthday, equivalent to a 21st birthday in the States. After chatting with the family, my cousins, brother and I went down into Oxford, England for the night. We had a blast and I believe it is a birthday he will remember… or not =]
Saturday we enjoyed the day at Millets farm. It is a farm with some quirky shops and cafes. We enjoyed walking through and looking at all the animals from sheep to alpacas. It was a sunny day but the wind put a nice chill in the air. Once we got back home Taurean and I had to get ready for our long day of traveling to follow.
Had a great time in Oxford, England with the family, now its time for Spain!

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